Monday, January 6, 2014


So, here I thought since Dr F knew Max's background from day 1 that he would get him on the fast track out of the NICU, but my idea backfired. Since he knows exactly how sick Max was, he is concerned about putting him in a crib today because he thinks that he will use too much energy maintaining his body temperature and not have enough energy to eat and continue to gain weight. So, no crib today, probably not going home on Wednesday. Insert sad face here.

The good news is that Max's blood work all came back great. Dr F was a little concerned because Max had his urinary catheter in for so long that there may be some sort of fungal infection and he may need more antibiotics, but everything came back clear! He would have been able to go home on the antibiotics though, but because everything was good, Max got his IV taken out of his hand this morning. 
Now it's just a waiting game. Waiting to see if Max continues to gain weigh so he can get put in a crib. Waiting to see how long he has to stay in the crib before he gets to go home. I hate waiting! But, I'm sure his doctor knows best, just seems silly to keep him in the NICU when he doesn't need anything but to continue to grow!

1 comment:

  1. Keep your chin up. Doctor knows best!
    Remember how far it is from home to Bismarck.
    It's cold & nasty here anyway.
    Enjoy some time with Max.
    Wish I could help!
