Thursday, December 29, 2011

Locklyn Grace Moore

Wednesday Dec 28, I woke up not feeling too well, I almost thought I was getting the flu again. As the morning went on, I started to feel better but was exhausted. My nephews came over for the day as their parents are in Jamaica on vacation and Grandma had to work for a bit. I kind of overscheduled our day with a play date at 10 and DEAP came over at 11 but we got everything squeezed in. I fed the kids lunch and they played until nap time and grandma came and got them. I struggled getting Kynlie to sleep but she finally gave in at 3:30 and I laid down on the couch and slept the whole time she was sleeping.

She woke up about 5:30 and when I woke up, I had terrible lower back pain. Neil came home and we ate supper and I decided to call Labor and Delivery to see if they thought what I was feeling was back labor. They wanted us to come to Dickinson so they could monitor me and see if I was in fact in labor.

My mom came in and got Kynlie and Neil and I headed to Dickinson. We got there in pretty good time and on the way there, I started getting uterine contractions. They hooked me up to the contraction monitor and I actually was having contractions. I was only dilated to 2cm but that doesn't really matter, only the contractions.

The doctor came in and said that considering how far away from the hospital we are, how far along I was and with my vertical incision on my uterus that he thought the baby would be better outside than keeping her in and risking rupturing my uterus from the contractions.  The nurses started prepping me for surgery and a half an hour later, I was on my way to the OR to have our baby.

I got really nervous walking to the OR, I am not sure what exactly I was so nervous about but man did the anxiety set in! I got my spinal block, they got everything situated with me, went and got Neil and before I knew it, they were cutting me open.

Locklyn Grace Moore was born on December 28, 2011 at 10:48 pm weighing 7 lb 11 oz and measuring 19" long. She has a pretty good head of dirty blonde hair and is absolutely perfect in every way!!! Neil stood up and watched the whole surgery and he would make some pretty disgusted faces from time to time! I got pretty emotional when I heard her cry, this is definetly different than the first time around!

I went down to recovery for an hour and Neil went with Locklyn to the nursery. She scored 9 on both her APGAR scores and has taken to nursing like a champ!

Kynlie came to meet her today and she wasn't quite sure what to think about her. She'll warm up pretty fast though I think.

Our new family of 4

Kynlie meeting Locklyn

Lincoln loves her and wanted to hold her and kiss her

Kynlie decided that since Linc held her that she would give it a try

Daddy is pretty proud!
Hanging out in the nursery waiting for mom to get out of recovery

Merry Christmas!

We were very blessed this Christmas. As always it was filled with great food, great company and lots of presents! Friday before Christmas, I took Kynlie into the doctor again because she sounded aweful, coughing and wheezing. She was diagnosed with ear infections and bronchitis. She was prescribed antibiotics and a nebulizer two times daily. Friday night, we went to an ugly Christmas sweater party at a friend's house. I should've stayed home with Kynlie because she was so crabby but we drug her along and she was a trooper for quite a while.

Christmas Eve was spent with Neil's extended family at his dad's trophy room. We went to church, ate way too much, opened presents and did an elephant swap. It is always so much fun.

Christmas morning my family came over to our house and Neil and I cooked breakfast, we opened gifts, visited for a bit, then went out to one of my cousin's houses for lunch. It was a nice laid back day.

Monday we just hung around the house and relaxed, it was great having Neil home for 3 days just being able to hang out!

We are so fortunate to have the amazing friends and family that we have. Remember to never take any of them for granted.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Moore holiday fun!!

Things have been as busy as ever around our house the last week, Monday night, I came down with the stomach flu, again. Let me tell you, hovering the toilet when you are over 8 months pregnant is NOT fun at all! Tuesday, Neil came home sick from work, which in a weird way, I was grateful for because he could take care of Kynlie so I could sleep! Thankfully, it skipped Kynlie again! I would take it ten times over her having it once though.

Wednesday, Kynlie and I went to Dickinson for her speech therapy appointment. It was a quick trip, we left at 8 and got back at 1! I didn't even go to the mall or Walmart. Just went to Kynlie's appointment, got lunch to eat on the road and headed home!

Thursday, Kynlie went to work with her dad, and hung out with Grandpa Lee for a bit. I had chipped my tooth the week before and was able to get into the dentist in Bowman when I had my doctor appointment over there so Kynlie couldn't go to my appointment with me. Lee was working in his game room so Kynlie helped him in there in the morning, then went on a delivery with her daddy in the afternoon. My doctor appointment went great, still not dilated and showing no signs of labor.

Friday, Kynlie and I cleaned, and cleaned, and organized her and the baby's room, packed her bag and mine and Neil's bag for when the baby is born. I am definetly "nesting." Not sure if that means that the little one is coming soon or not, but I am loving all the energy and enthusiasm I have to get everything ready for her to be here!

Tonight we have Baker Metal's Christmas party, which is always a good time with amazing food. Neil's dad cooks all the food for the party and let me tell you, you could not get a better meal anywhere. He loves to cook and he is great at what he loves!

Kynlie woke up this morning coughing like a smoker, poor girl, I hate it when she doesn't feel good. I don't know if it is a cold or if her ears are infected. She is just finishing the antibiotics she was on for her sinus infection so I need to ask the doctor if it would be the same antibiotic she would get for an ear infection. If it is, I guess it must be a cold, but she is really digging at her ears and when I ask her if they hurt, she says "yeah," but that's her answer to every question so it doesn't really mean anything!

Next week is looking just as busy as the last few, I can't believe Christmas is almost here, our baby is going to be here before we know it, I am not sure where this year has gone!
Kynlie and daddy reading Jingle, the dog is interactive with the book, when you read certain phrases, the dog barks

Decorating/ eating sugar cookies

We had a craft time during our playdate last week and made salt dough ornaments and finger painted them.
These are the finished product

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Kynlie and I just got back from Dickinson for her first speech therapy appointment. The therapist said that she would like to see Kynlie once a week, she acually would like to see her more often, but since we have to drive so far, she would try to do a longer session once weekly.

She did some testing on what Kynlie understands and what she expresses. Kynlie's receptive language is great, she is actually at a 2 1/2 year old level for that. Her expressive language is not that good. She tries to use words to say what she wants but her words are all the same so she gets frustrated and grunts and points until she gets what she wants.

I am very excited to get started working on Kynlie's speech with a professional. I think it will make all of our lives easier when she can use the right words to tell us what she wants.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Holiday Fun

We got our Christmas baking done last weekend when we got our water back on. Kynlie LOVED being able to lick all the bowl and spoons clean and sample all the final products. We had to get everything out of the kitchen because she would throw a fit every time we walked by the counter  because she wanted cookies!
My doctor's appointment on Monday went good, I am still not dilated at all and right at 50% effaced. I go again this Thursday, then start going every week after that. I am honestly starting to get nervous about the baby coming. What I am most nervous about is going into labor and having contractions, which I am not supposed to have because of my incision, and the weather being bad or roads being closed and we can't get to the hospital. I just keep telling myself everything is going to be okay!

Tuesday I took Kynlie into the doctor as she had been really droopy, crabby, had a snot nose and under her eyes were all puffy. She was diagnosed with a sinus infection so she's been on medicine for that. Poor kid goes from getting ear infections so we get her tubes in her ears, then she starts getting sinus infections.

Wednesday we tried helping out at the coffee shop but Kynlie wasn't having anything to do with being down there. She just wanted mom and didn't want mom to be doing anything but snuggling with her. We also got news that my grandpa's surgery that was supposed to be at 12:30 on Thursday was moved up to 5:30 so we had to leave Wednesday evening for Billings. Kynlie slept from Miles City to Billings, then when we got to the hotel at 10, she had got her second wind and was wide awake. She talked and squirmed around the bed until 2:15 when she finally decided to go back to sleep. It was awesome!

Grandpa's surgery went perfectly, thank you to everyone that prayed for him and our family, your prayers have been answered.

Friday, Kynlie and I worked and she actually cooperated so I felt like it was worth my time being down at the store. Neil and I had a "date" Friday night which consisted of take-out steak and crab legs, putting Kynlie to bed 1/2 hour early and watching the movie "The Hangover 2." It was very romantic!!

Saturday we had a combo birthday party for me, Neil's mom and sister-in-law. Their birthdays are Dec 10th and mine is the 11th. We got super spoiled and it was a very enjoyable evening.

Today we just relaxed. We frosted the sugar cookies we made last weekend, wrapped the last of our Christmas presents, took naps and did a whole lot of nothing!

I got Kynlie in with a speech therapist in Dickinson on Wednesday. I am very anxious to hear what they have to say about her vocabulary. I am hoping if they want to see her, we can get it to work with when I have my OB appointments to not have to make a million trips to Dickinson.

Kynlie did start doing something, we'll say.....interesting, last week. Neil asked her on Monday if she could "smile pretty" and she scrunched her nose up and gave a goofy grin, we both praised her and tole her how pretty her smile was. Now if you ask her to smile pretty, she looks at you serious as can be, puts her chin down and rolls her eyes up into her head. It's pretty darn funny. I put a picture of it below.

Cleaning out the cookie dough bowl
Cleaning off the fudge spatula

Building a snowman with daddy
Kynlie can smile pretty
How Kynlie "Smiles Pretty!"

Birthday girls!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Behind again!

As always, I'm a few weeks behind and I do not have one picture to post:(

A couple of weeks ago, I started working two days a week at my sis-in-law's gift and coffee shoppe in town, Kynlie goes to a small in-home daycare one day and my mom keeps her the other day. It has been nice, I get out of the house, Kynlie has some more interraction with other kids, I am getting a couple days a week without a kid, Kynlie gets a whole day with Grandma! I am just helping until the baby is born, which, as of Thursday, I have 6 weeks left and was 10 weeks farther along than I was when Kynlie and Kirsten were born!!!

Friday before Thanksgiving, I was lucky enough to catch the aweful stomach bug that was going around town so I spent most of the day hovering the toilet and the evening in the ER after I puked up some blood. The doctor said he wasn't concerned about the blood, he said if I had puked that much that I probably broke some blood vessels. They gave me 2 units of IV fluids and some anti-nausea drugs and I felt like a brand new person. The next Monday, Neil was lucky enough to get it too so he spent the day with us at home on Tuesday! Thank God, it skipped Kynlie, I am not sure how, she dodged it 3 times last year too, the kid must have a great immune system!

Wednesday before Thanksgiving, we sent Kynlie to Bozeman with my parents, Neil wasn't able to leave until after work and that just makes traveling with Kynlie miserable! Mom and dad said she did perfect for them and I think she enjoyed a little extra time to play with her cousins.

Thanksgiving was spent in Bozeman at my sister's house with her in-laws, it was a loud, full house but it was a blast. We had a great Thanksgiving meal that everyone pitched in on and had enough food to last us all weekend, and then some!

Friday, we did a little shopping, Neil and I got all our names crossed off our Christmas list, which was a nice relief! We met my cousins and did some bowling, which was a lot of fun. I hate to admit it, but Neil helped Kynlie bowl for me quite a bit because I was pretty sore from walking around shopping, and her scores were WAY better than any of mine were!!

Saturday was my mom's birthday so ate more leftovers and had a Coldstone Ice Cream Cake to celebrate the occasion! I think she enjoyed being able to spend her birthday with all 3 of her grandkids.

Neil came home on Saturday, hoping to get one day of deer hunting in this year, but they couldn't get a hold of anyone to go hunting so he went and finished up the little things that needed done on our rental house so we could get it rented out. This was probably the first year since Neil has been old enough to hunt that he didn't go deer hunting!

Kynlie and I came home with mom and dad on Sunday. It was nice that Neil had came home the day before because he had our vehicle unloaded and everything unpacked and put away!

Last week, we didn't do anything special. We did have a speech pathologist come over to the house with DEAP as I have been concerned about Kynlie's speech. All her words start with "d" and are essentially the same word. I know what she is talking about sometimes, but I spend all day with her.  The pathologist said that 75% of her vocabulary should be understandable to people that don't know her and she should be using 2-3 word phrases. The only thing she says that is understandable to others are "Thank You and See ya," and they both start with "d" when she says them. The pathologist did say something that was very interesting, she said that kids with reflux and high gag reflexes usually always have speech problems because they try to protect their gag reflex when they talk- Kynlie has both of those, awefully!  The pathologist suggested that we WAY over exaggerate the words we are saying, almost to the point that we sound stupid to see if we can get Kynlie to repeat what we are saying. The problem with that is that she thinks she is saying what we are, she usually gets the syllables right and she'll sometimes get the vowell sound right, but she really thinks she is saying the same word we are. She did think that it would be good for Kynlie to go to speech therapy once a week, at least, so I am going to see if I can get her an appointment with the pediatrician Monday when we are in Dickinson for my appointment and see if we can get a recomendation for speech therapy in Dickinson, then we can just go when I have my weekly appointments.

We are trying to do our Christmas baking this weekend and I started when Kynlie went down for her nap, but we don't have any water right now so that is putting a damper on my baking! Instead, I am sitting on the couch with my feet up typing this post!! Baking can wait and if it doesn't get done, I won't eat it!

Next week is BUSY! Monday I have an appointment in Dickinson, Thursday my grandpa is having surgery in Billings and I am helping out a few more days at the store than normal! I decided that this time of year is perfect for the last few weeks of pregnancy because it's so busy that even if I do get miserable, I will be too busy to notice it!

We have the baby's room done, minus the crib, Kynlie is still in that!  It is sometimes still surreal that we are having another baby, soon. I am going to try and get some pictures of Kynlie's big girl room and the baby's room and get them on here, they are both adorable.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Our little ladybug

NY Giants newest cheerleader

Watching football on the computer

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Wow! Where has October gone. It seems like we just celebrated Kynlie and Neil's birthdays and it is already November!

Kynlie 24 months, Mommy, 7 months!

Friday Oct 21, Kynlie and I hit the road to Bozeman to spend a week with my sister and her family while Neil was elk hunting. Neil drove with us to Billings Friday morning, we went to Cabelas with the hunting crew then Kynlie and I were on our way to Bozeman by ourselves.
That night, we went to the Childrens' Museum for the kids to play, then went home and put the kids to bed and watched a movie.

Kynlie and I with the pumpkin she picked out
Lincoln, Gina, Matthew, me and Kynlie at the pumpkin patch
Sunday, we went to the pumpkin patch and wandered around there, the kids had a blast and the weather was decent so it was a fun day being outside.
Lincoln, Kynlie and Matthew watching movies before bed

Ken carved the big pumpkin and the kids painted their little pumpkins, then took baths and watched some Chuggington in Ken and Gina's bed to wind down! They thought it was pretty cool!

Painting pumpkins

The week FLEW by, the boys have activities every morning, then we would come home, eat lunch, nap and it seemed like then the day was over! Friday I went to Big Timber and picked Neil up from his successful elk hunt, he got a big bull the first day of the season. He came to Bozeman and Friday night we went to a Bobcat wine tasting (I was the DD!!) Neil won tickets to the Dierks Bentley concert that is on Nov 17 in Bozeman, which I was excited about, but we are going to be there the week after for Thanksgiving so we gave the tickets to Ken and Gina.
Before the Blue and Gold wine tasting
Saturday morning we went to the stadium and did a little tailgating, watched the Bobcats kick some butt, then that evening we went to Bozeman Hot Springs to do some swimming and warm up after the cold game! It is SO awesome at the hot springs, there are many different temperatures of water ranging from 56 to 104 degrees! Kynlie and Lincoln were so wore out that they both fell asleep on the 15 minute drive home!
Tailgating before the Bobcats' football game
Sunday we got up, ate breakfast and hit the road to come home. We were all ready to come home after being gone for 10 days. We had to stop at Costco to get some groceries, did a little Christmas shopping and finally made it home, only to turn our house into a disasaster with all our bags of laundry and shopping.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Kynlie is TWO!!

We celebrated Kynlie's second birthday a day early, on her daddy's and Kirsten's birthday with her friends and family at our house. She had a Minnie Mouse cake (made by mom) and TONS of balloons!
She got both of the candles blown out on her cake, dad got all 32 of his in one try too!
She got super spoiled opening presents and LOVED everything she got! She even cuddled with the clothes!
Daddy had a little mishap with her pinata when he hung it up, he took a little swing at it, thinking it was going to take a lot to break it and all the candy fell out the bottom before any of the kids were out there! She looked like she had been taken hostage, but the kids had fun!

L-R: Madison, Matthew, Jayden, Lincoln, Kacee, Pyper, Shelby, Kynlie and Tryppton

Thank everyone for all the birthday wishes and all the love and support Kynlie has recieved her first two years of her life! She is a little miracle and I try to remember that every day! I remember the first time I got to see her like it was last night, all of the good and bad news we got when she was in the NICU, the day she got to come home, her first birthday, it just doesn't seem like it has been two years.

We love you Kynlie Faith Moore!!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The end of September

We have been very busy since we got back from CA, but it doesn't seem like we have been doing anything blogworthy!

Two weekends ago, Kynlie and I went with my parents to Dayton, WY to see my brother and sister-in-law. They purchased a new house the end of the summer so it was the first time we got to see it and it is beautiful. I am so happy for them. A family friend got married about an hour away from Dayton so my parents, Kynlie and I went to the wedding, Jordan and Ashley had games they were coaching so they couldn't make it.

While we were down there, Kynlie gor her first black eye. She tripped and hit her eye on their end table, I thought she hit her mouth because when she started crying, she put her hand over her mouth. I was quite surprised when she woke up with a little shiner!

Last weekend, we went to Hettinger, ND for my cousin's baby's baptism and baby shower. Charlee Rae is beautiful and I can't wait to watch her grow!

This week will be a busy one, getting the last bedroom ready for new carpet, cleaning for a big birthday party this weekend, (Kynlie's 2nd, Neil's 32nd)! A quick trip to Bismarck for supplies for our rental property and back to Dickinson for my doctor appointment. Cake baking and decorating... I have to stop, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed!

As of Thursday,  I will be 26 weeks pregnant, 2 weeks farther along than I was when Kynlie and Kirsten were born! It is absolutely CRAZY thinking about it! Things are going great, I am starting to feel a little more wore down again but other than that, I feel great.

Kynlie is going through an awesome phase where she wants to lead me around the house! She thinks she has to take my finger and just walk around! I hope this phase passes fast!
We are working on potty training, which is going pretty well. She won't tell me when she has to go, but I try to set her on the toilet every 30-45 minutes and she'll push every time. 
She talks most of the day, not saying much anyone can understand but it is pretty dang cute! She repeats everything I say and I think it'll be pretty soon that she starts talking real words all the time. She is also a huge copycat, I blow my nose in the morning and she squeals until she gets a kleenex, she blows her nose until I am done, then throws her kleenex in the garbage.
I go to the bathroom, Kynlie goes to the bathroom right beside me!
I use a spoon to eat my cereal, she has to use a spoon to pick her cereal up off her booster seat tray.
Needless to say, I have to pay attention to what I am doing and saying when she's around!

Monday, September 19, 2011


Friday, Sept 9, Neil, Kynlie and I hit the road to Billings to catch our plane to Los Angeles on Saturday. We ate supper with Neil's mom, sister and a friend in Billings, got Kynlie's birthday decorations then Neil and Kynlie went swimming at The Reef indoor water park. Kynlie LOVES the water but it was getting late so they only swam for a half hour. Our plane took off at noon on Saturday and we were on our way to Disneyland.

We got into LA around 2pm, got our rental car and drove to Aneheim to get checked into our hotel. We decided we might as well head over to Disneyland after we got checked in so we went over and wandered around, watched the parade, Fantasmic show and fireworks. We went on the It's a Small World ride,  and Kynlie and I went and saw the princesses while Neil went on some thrill rides.

Having tea at Minnie Mouse's house
 Sunday and Monday we were at Disneyland and Disneyland California Adventure and went on what rides we could, saw a lot of characters, Kynlie didn't mind them as long as they didn't try to hold her. She would give them high five's, blow them kisses and wave to them but that was as close as she'd get. Kynlie was a great traveler, she'd take short naps in her stroller during the day and by the end of the day, she would get a little crabby, but as soon as we would get to the hotel where she could move around where and how she wanted, she was fine. I was sore and exhausted by the end of the day but it was a great time!
Waiting for the World of Color to start at California Adventure

Tuesday we drove back to LA and went to Universal Studios, we went on their studio tour, Neil went on some rides and we saw more characters there. While we were at the Special Effect's show, Kynlie laid down on the floor to try and fall asleep so I picked her up to try and get her to cuddle with me and she took her blankie and crawled back down to the floor and went to sleep! I bet the cold cement felt better than sweating on me!

We stayed in LA that night and had to be at the airport by 5:45 am to catch our plane. We sat at the airport for 7 hours before we got on the plane as it had mechanical problems! It was a long day but we finally made it home safely! 

Thursday and Friday were spent catching up on sleep and doing laundry, Saturday was Baker's Fall Festival so we wandered around there in the morning, had lunch with Neil then came home to get some work done on the house. Neil got our roof fixed, I tore staples out of the floor in the baby's room, then we went over to Mettler's for supper.

We had some sad news over the weekend, my sister-in-law's step father unexpectedly passed away at his ranch Saturday morning, please keep Bruce, Stacey and their girls in your prayers as they deal with their tough loss.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day

Wednesday morning, my dad, Kynlie and I loaded up and headed to Billings to meet my sister and pick up my nephews to bring back to Baker. Ken and Gina went down to Salt Lake City for the MSU Bobcat's first football game and the boys stayed with my mom and dad for the weekend. We enjoyed a quick lunch at Fudruckers with Gina then headed back to Baker. Everyone traveled great for the amount of driving we did and it was a very enjoyable day! The boys came in for a while on Thursday while my mom worked and it was great having them here again. I sure did miss them after spending every day for 4 weeks with them earlir this summer.

We had a great Labor Day weekend, which involved some COLD camping and a ton of relaxing. We went to Red Lodge, MT with some great friends for the weekend to just hang out and camp somewhere new.

We honestly didn't do anything all weekend! To me, there was no better way to spend a long weekend! It was a nice change to have some cool weather too, but at night it got a little too cold when our battery died in the camper and the heater stopped working! Kynlie was a little blue when she woke up until we could get her warmed up, but she was just happy to be camping. She wandered around outside, played in the dirt, ate pine needles and got mesmerized by the fire, she's definetly an outdoorsy girl!

We met my parents and the boys and Ken and Gina in Billings on Monday on the way back home and had lunch with all of them then came home to get the camper unpacked. I am STILL working on all the laundry from the weekend.

This morning, we were up bright and early to go to Bowman for my routine OB ultrasound and doctor appointment. I wanted to find out what the baby is and Neil didn't and who do you think got their way?  All we saw was a VERY healthy, VERY active baby that is growing right on schedule. The baby did some acrobatics for us, got the hickups and sucked it's cute little thumb.  I'll have another ultrasound in 8 weeks and we will see if we can see some more anatomy then! I guess until then, we will be looking at boy and girl names!

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Kynlie had her follow up appointment for physical, occupational and speech therapies last Thursday and things went great. We went from possibly wanting to be seen by OT on a regular basis to her being on the verge of being able to be discharged from the NICU follow up program. She did get discharged from speech therapy but PT and OT wanted me to make an appointment for January and if Neil or I don't have any concerns when the time comes, we'll call and cancel the appointment and she'll be discharged from all 3 therapies!

She rocked her appointment, everything they asked her to do, she did first try! Things I have tried to get her to do at home, like copy me drawing a straight line or circles, she did the first time OT asked her to. She put puzzle pieces in first try, rings on the ring stacker, stacked blocks like she was building a skyscraper, put coins in a piggy bank, read books, and jabbered her appointment away.

She has been learning so many new things every day, she never ceases to amaze me!

Friday morning we had an appointment for her eyes. Dr. Samson said she is a little near sighted but he isn't putting her in glasses because the glasses could make her eyes turn in worse. He said that her vision is good enough for how far out kids her age look that it wouldn't affect her anyway. He did say that we need to do whatever we can do to get her to wear her eye patch. He said if she'll keep her sunglasses on to cover the right lense and use that for a patch. He said at this point that it is important to make sure that she uses her left eye so her brain doesn't just block it out because she can't get it to focus like it should. He doesn't want me to patch her left eye at all anymore, only the right. He did say that she isn't using her eyes together like she had been before, and it is partially my fault because when I got pregnant, I was so worn out that I didn't feel like fighting her to put her patch on and make her keep it on. I'd try here and there and just get frustrated and give up. Now that I am feeling better, I'll get on the ball again and make her wear it every day.

Speaking of the pregnancy, we are halfway done! Things are going great, I am feeling good, tired, but I can nap if I need so that helps. It is unreal to think that I was only 4 weeks farther along than I am now that Kynlie and Kirsten were born. I can feel the baby moving a lot, Neil felt it 5 weeks ago but we haven't been able to feel it from the outside since then! We have our routine ultrasound in a week and it'll be great to see the little one again.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Fallon County Fair

We had a great fair weekend, it seemed like we were going nonstop! Thursday evening, Neil was in the Motor Mania where they did an appliance race and car soccer. It was a blast to watch and Neil said it was fun to compete in.

Saturday was a very busy day starting with the parade. Kynlie made out like a bandit with the candy and she even knows that you can open it when you pick it up off the street!

 After the parade, Kynlie and Sterling were in the Pet Parade. Kynlie was a chef and Sterling was a hot dog. They won owner look alike and best holiday attire awards and Kynlie got two crisp $2 bills!

After the pet parade, we went to the rodeo, then took Kynlie through the petting zoo. She wasn't sure what to think of the animals, she liked petting some of them but wasn't too sure about most of them. It was a great petting zoo!
 After the petting zoo, Neil took Kynlie on the Carousel. She LOVED it! She was petting the horse the whole time!
Kynlie telling Mommy "I Love You" in sign language

After the rides, we went over to Mettler's for supper, then sat on their back deck and listened to the night show.

Sunday we went to another rodeo and Kynlie wore her "Tough Enough to Wear Pink" cowgirl outfit that Grandma O'Donnell bought her for the rodeo. I thought her old boots fit her but they were too small so she got some new boots, that she is VERY proud of  and she wore her belt that Great Grandpa Rustad had made for her. He gave her one of his belt buckles that he won in 1974 so it was pretty neat that it finally fits her! She thought she was pretty cool in her cowgirl outfit and I must say, she was pretty adorable!
After the rodeo, we went back over for the demolition derby. This was the first time since Neil was 15 or 16 that he did not derby in Baker but he was back in the pits helping out. The derby was fun to watch but I enjoy them a lot more when Neil is driving! Kynlie was so tired from two days of no naps and late nights that she fell asleep during the derby and has not woke up yet! It is almost 11 am and she is still snoozing away, and yes, she is still breathing, I have checked a few times!

It was a great weekend, we ate some awesome fair food and enjoyed all the activities but I am sure glad it is over! We are just going to play catch up this week, then Thursday, Kynlie and I are off to Bismarck for her follow up Physical, Occupational and Speech therapy appointments, then an eye appointment on Friday.