Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tubes are in

Sleepy Kynlie and daddy before sugery.
Kynlie survived her surgery today. So did mommy and daddy! We were scheduled to be there at 7:15 this morning so we left last night after Neil got off work. We had to drop a pickup off in Bowman and pick a Neil's up, so we had to switch Kynlie's car seat out. We kept her awake until Bowman, then when we were switching her seat from pickup to pickup, she got hysterical and puked all over herself and Neil's pickup- again. I had just got her carseat all washed and put back together from her vomiting episodes last Thursday! We got her seat put in and I sat in back with her to try and keep her calm and not puking. I thought I'd feed her her pediasure so she could just go to sleep and be done with it. Well, she ate all 8 oz of pediasure, then puked it all up. She had all of us covered in puke, it was not pretty. Luckily this time I had packed extra jammies and blankies for her. She finally calmed down and then was fine the rest of the trip. The little stinker stayed awake all the way until Belfield dancing, waving her hands in the air, clapping and singing,then slept the last 20 miles to Dickinson.  Maybe our next trip will be vomit free!

We were up early this morning and didn't even get Kynlie dressed before we headed to the hospital. They got us all checked in and took us back to the day surgery room. The anesthesiologist, nurse anesthetist, OR nurse and doctor all came in and talked to us and had us get Kynlie into her hospital gown- that was WAY too big for her! She was very interested in her bracelet and played with it the whole time we were getting her ready. We took her new bunny that her cousin Madison built for her at Build A Bear for her surgery so she had something to cuddle with.

Neil went back with Kynlie when they took her to the OR as they like to have a parent hold the baby until they are out. We decide he would go back when they put her out so I could nurse her when she was coming out of anesthesia. No more than 5 minutes later, he was back . We sat in the room they had us in for about 7 minutes, then went to the waiting room to wait for the doctor to come talk to us. It was less than 10 minutes from when Neil got back to when the doctor came and talked to us, he said that the surgery went perfect but that they didn't give Kynlie the Tylenol suppository that they had said they were going to. He said he thought she looked a little jaundice and that Tylenol interferes with the liver function so he didn't want to give her any.

We asked if he would order a blood draw to see what her liver function looked like and talk to Dr. Ocejo about it. He took me back to recovery and she was screaming and flailing around like a fish out of water. I took her and started nursing her and she was instantly quiet. We were in recovery just long enough for her to eat, then they took us back to the room that we got her ready in. She wimpered for a while, then cuddled with Neil. The nurse gave us some pudding to feed her and they continued to monitor her O2 and temperature. Lab came and drew blood and they continued to monitor until the blood results came back. Her liver function looked good, but her BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen) was high. He faxed the results to Dr. Ocejo and sent us home. We have to put drops in Kynlie's ears two times a day for 10 days and go back for a follow up in 2 weeks. It worked out perfect because 2 weeks is on Feb 9 and I had called yesterday and scheduled Kynlie's eye appointment on Feb 10, so we have her follow up the afternoon of the 9th, then will go on to Bismarck.

Just as we got into Wibaux on the way home, Dr. Ocejo's nurse called and said that he had looked at all her bloodwork and that there was nothing he was concerned about.

Kynlie slept the whole way home, but woke up her goofy self when we were home. She hasn't acted like her ears are bothering her at all and we haven't gave her any Motrin since we left the hospital. She napped a little this afternoon and is crawling around singing and dancing right now!

What is this thing on my wrist

Take this off dad. I love the look on her face!

Daddy getting Kynlie into her gown

They both look sleepy!!

Mommy & Kynlie before surgery
Setting with her bunny that her cousin Madison made her for her surgery

Dr. Neil, waiting to take Kynlie into surgery

This is what Kynlie's ride home was like!

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