Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Not much going on.

There just has not been anything going on to post about lately. Kynlie did have her first sleepover at Grandma and Grandpa Moore's house on Saturday because we went out for a friend's 40th birthday party. They said she was good and I think all 3 of them had a great time.
I didn't have Pyper on Monday due to MLK day so I thought it would be a great time to run some errands, you know like going to the bank, post office and grocery store, not so much! I did get the groceries bought, but we had to go to he bank and post office today.
We are trying to start Kynlie on whole milk because just nursing is not giving her enough fluid intake. She refuses to drink any of the breast milk I have frozen, I don't know if it tastes funny or if she is just realizing she doesn't have to drink it from a sippie cup if she doesn't want to. She's not too keen on the whole milk yet, but I'll just keep trying. She's got to start drinking more because we keep battling constipation, I'll get her unplugged, then she'll not drink much for a couple days and the battle starts over again.
We are headed to Dickinson on Thursday as Kynlie has her appointment with the ENT on Friday morning. I will go to Bowman to play volleyball- I'm playing on a league team with some women from Baker- Neil will feed Kynlie supper, then they will come over and watch our second game and we will head out. I think the timing will be pretty good because we should leave Bowman right at Kynlie's bedtime so hopefully (fingers crossed) she'll sleep the whole way! After her appointment with the ENT, we will go to Bismarck for her follow up with Dr. Ocejo on her weight gain. We have a little shopping to do, then will head home.
Saturday we are having a bridal shower in the morning for one of my great friends- the wedding that we are going to Hawaii for in February, then her bachelorette party will be that evening. It should be a great time!
I sure can write a lot about doing nothing! Below is a funny video of Neil pulling Kynlie around on her pony Topper. She loves riding her pony- until he bucks her off on her teapot. Notice my little
"Ohhh" squeal at the end of the video!

Kynlie loves talking on the phone

I was laying on the floor beside the glider and she climbed right up there and was trying to get to the keyboard

Sleepy eyes

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