Monday, January 31, 2011

I had big plans for a post marking the day we brought Kynlie home from the hospital on January 26, I was busy during the day with the babies, then got the flu that night and spent most of the night hovering the toilet. Needles to say, I didn't get the post wrote! I feel bad about it as it was such a huge day in our life.
Thursday morning, I called my mom to see if she could come get Kynlie out of bed and feed her breakfast for me because if I stood up, I felt like I was going to puke. She came over to help, then went back to work until lunch. I got Kynlie down for a nap, mom came over and fed her lunch when she woke up and I was starting to get body aches. Mom thought I better make a doctor appointment to see if it was influenza. She went back to work until my appointment and thankfully Kynlie is such a good kid because she crawled around and played all afternoon while I slept on the couch. I would pry my eyes open every once in a while to make sure she was ok, then have to close them again because they hurt when they were open. I went in and the doctor said I had the flu and hopefully it was just a 24 hour bug, my blood pressure was 85/56, my blood pressure is usually really low, but never that low. He said I was very dehydrated and he could either send me home and I needed to drink 4 oz of fluids every 15 minutes or he could admit me to the ER and give me 2 liters of IV fluids and I would probably feel much better a lot faster. I opted for the IV fluids. I called Neil after they got my IV started on the third try because I they couldn't find any veins, to let  him know where I was because he was on his way home from work to go to Cooke City to go snowmobiling for the weekend. He stopped to tell me by and he did ask if I wanted him to stay because he felt bad leaving me in that condition. I told him to go as I was already starting to feel better. By time I got out of the ER, I felt like a brand new person. I got home and my mom and dad helped me get Kynlie to bed so I could rest a little more. My mom said she was feeling bad that I was at the hospital by myself the whole time, but I was enjoying it because I just slept the whole time, only being disturbed when the nurses came in to check the IV fluids.
I had planned on going to Bozeman for the weekend to see my sister and her family and watch the Cat/Griz basketball game with Jen and Pyper, and was pretty disappointed when I got sick that I wasn't going to be able to go. I woke up Friday feeling completely healthy and decided that we might as well go so I called Jen at work and we were off to Bozo at noon! The babies traveled great, with maybe 30 minutes of fussing out of both babies the WHOLE TRIP. I couldn't believe it, it was amazing after our last few trips with Kynlie screaming so bad that she makes herself puke! The Cats lost the game but it was fun to watch. We drove home on not great roads last night and I was kind of kicking myself that we didn't get on the road earlier, but we made it safely.
Kynlie is still doing great after her surgery for her tubes last Tuesday. She has started doing something really cute and sweet last week also, she'll take a mouth full of food or whatever she is drinking, then spit it out all over. It's disgusting and it drives me nuts, but I am torn with what to do to try to get her to quit. She needs to eat and drink everything she will so I don't want to stop feeding her when she does it because she'll eat a ton after she does it. She also needs to drink as much as she will  so I just tell her "NO, that it naughty" then put the sippie cup back in her mouth.
Kynlie in her going home outfit made for her by Kristin Merwin

Getting ready to leave the NICU January 26, 2010.

Look how far she has came in a year.

Where's your tongue?

So big!! Thanks for the strawberry outfit Grandma and Grandpa!!
We have a week at home, then we are off to the Black Hills for the Stock Show and to see some great friends for the weekend, then to Dickinson and Bismarck for Kynlie's appointments next week. I can't believe January is almost over and it is getting closer to our trip to Hawaii.

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