Thursday, December 29, 2011

Locklyn Grace Moore

Wednesday Dec 28, I woke up not feeling too well, I almost thought I was getting the flu again. As the morning went on, I started to feel better but was exhausted. My nephews came over for the day as their parents are in Jamaica on vacation and Grandma had to work for a bit. I kind of overscheduled our day with a play date at 10 and DEAP came over at 11 but we got everything squeezed in. I fed the kids lunch and they played until nap time and grandma came and got them. I struggled getting Kynlie to sleep but she finally gave in at 3:30 and I laid down on the couch and slept the whole time she was sleeping.

She woke up about 5:30 and when I woke up, I had terrible lower back pain. Neil came home and we ate supper and I decided to call Labor and Delivery to see if they thought what I was feeling was back labor. They wanted us to come to Dickinson so they could monitor me and see if I was in fact in labor.

My mom came in and got Kynlie and Neil and I headed to Dickinson. We got there in pretty good time and on the way there, I started getting uterine contractions. They hooked me up to the contraction monitor and I actually was having contractions. I was only dilated to 2cm but that doesn't really matter, only the contractions.

The doctor came in and said that considering how far away from the hospital we are, how far along I was and with my vertical incision on my uterus that he thought the baby would be better outside than keeping her in and risking rupturing my uterus from the contractions.  The nurses started prepping me for surgery and a half an hour later, I was on my way to the OR to have our baby.

I got really nervous walking to the OR, I am not sure what exactly I was so nervous about but man did the anxiety set in! I got my spinal block, they got everything situated with me, went and got Neil and before I knew it, they were cutting me open.

Locklyn Grace Moore was born on December 28, 2011 at 10:48 pm weighing 7 lb 11 oz and measuring 19" long. She has a pretty good head of dirty blonde hair and is absolutely perfect in every way!!! Neil stood up and watched the whole surgery and he would make some pretty disgusted faces from time to time! I got pretty emotional when I heard her cry, this is definetly different than the first time around!

I went down to recovery for an hour and Neil went with Locklyn to the nursery. She scored 9 on both her APGAR scores and has taken to nursing like a champ!

Kynlie came to meet her today and she wasn't quite sure what to think about her. She'll warm up pretty fast though I think.

Our new family of 4

Kynlie meeting Locklyn

Lincoln loves her and wanted to hold her and kiss her

Kynlie decided that since Linc held her that she would give it a try

Daddy is pretty proud!
Hanging out in the nursery waiting for mom to get out of recovery


  1. Ashlee, Locklyn is absolutely gorgeous! And perfect in every way. I think December 28th is a great day to have a baby (Kayli would agree :) So we'll be throwing birthday parties on the same day for our baby girls from now on! I am beyond happy for you and Neil- I can't believe all Locklyn's blonde hair- and do you know HOW BADLY I want to fly to Baker and do some sleepy newborn portraits ??? Enjoy every precious second with your baby girls.
    from AZ.
