Sunday, August 28, 2011


Kynlie had her follow up appointment for physical, occupational and speech therapies last Thursday and things went great. We went from possibly wanting to be seen by OT on a regular basis to her being on the verge of being able to be discharged from the NICU follow up program. She did get discharged from speech therapy but PT and OT wanted me to make an appointment for January and if Neil or I don't have any concerns when the time comes, we'll call and cancel the appointment and she'll be discharged from all 3 therapies!

She rocked her appointment, everything they asked her to do, she did first try! Things I have tried to get her to do at home, like copy me drawing a straight line or circles, she did the first time OT asked her to. She put puzzle pieces in first try, rings on the ring stacker, stacked blocks like she was building a skyscraper, put coins in a piggy bank, read books, and jabbered her appointment away.

She has been learning so many new things every day, she never ceases to amaze me!

Friday morning we had an appointment for her eyes. Dr. Samson said she is a little near sighted but he isn't putting her in glasses because the glasses could make her eyes turn in worse. He said that her vision is good enough for how far out kids her age look that it wouldn't affect her anyway. He did say that we need to do whatever we can do to get her to wear her eye patch. He said if she'll keep her sunglasses on to cover the right lense and use that for a patch. He said at this point that it is important to make sure that she uses her left eye so her brain doesn't just block it out because she can't get it to focus like it should. He doesn't want me to patch her left eye at all anymore, only the right. He did say that she isn't using her eyes together like she had been before, and it is partially my fault because when I got pregnant, I was so worn out that I didn't feel like fighting her to put her patch on and make her keep it on. I'd try here and there and just get frustrated and give up. Now that I am feeling better, I'll get on the ball again and make her wear it every day.

Speaking of the pregnancy, we are halfway done! Things are going great, I am feeling good, tired, but I can nap if I need so that helps. It is unreal to think that I was only 4 weeks farther along than I am now that Kynlie and Kirsten were born. I can feel the baby moving a lot, Neil felt it 5 weeks ago but we haven't been able to feel it from the outside since then! We have our routine ultrasound in a week and it'll be great to see the little one again.

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