Saturday, December 3, 2011

Behind again!

As always, I'm a few weeks behind and I do not have one picture to post:(

A couple of weeks ago, I started working two days a week at my sis-in-law's gift and coffee shoppe in town, Kynlie goes to a small in-home daycare one day and my mom keeps her the other day. It has been nice, I get out of the house, Kynlie has some more interraction with other kids, I am getting a couple days a week without a kid, Kynlie gets a whole day with Grandma! I am just helping until the baby is born, which, as of Thursday, I have 6 weeks left and was 10 weeks farther along than I was when Kynlie and Kirsten were born!!!

Friday before Thanksgiving, I was lucky enough to catch the aweful stomach bug that was going around town so I spent most of the day hovering the toilet and the evening in the ER after I puked up some blood. The doctor said he wasn't concerned about the blood, he said if I had puked that much that I probably broke some blood vessels. They gave me 2 units of IV fluids and some anti-nausea drugs and I felt like a brand new person. The next Monday, Neil was lucky enough to get it too so he spent the day with us at home on Tuesday! Thank God, it skipped Kynlie, I am not sure how, she dodged it 3 times last year too, the kid must have a great immune system!

Wednesday before Thanksgiving, we sent Kynlie to Bozeman with my parents, Neil wasn't able to leave until after work and that just makes traveling with Kynlie miserable! Mom and dad said she did perfect for them and I think she enjoyed a little extra time to play with her cousins.

Thanksgiving was spent in Bozeman at my sister's house with her in-laws, it was a loud, full house but it was a blast. We had a great Thanksgiving meal that everyone pitched in on and had enough food to last us all weekend, and then some!

Friday, we did a little shopping, Neil and I got all our names crossed off our Christmas list, which was a nice relief! We met my cousins and did some bowling, which was a lot of fun. I hate to admit it, but Neil helped Kynlie bowl for me quite a bit because I was pretty sore from walking around shopping, and her scores were WAY better than any of mine were!!

Saturday was my mom's birthday so ate more leftovers and had a Coldstone Ice Cream Cake to celebrate the occasion! I think she enjoyed being able to spend her birthday with all 3 of her grandkids.

Neil came home on Saturday, hoping to get one day of deer hunting in this year, but they couldn't get a hold of anyone to go hunting so he went and finished up the little things that needed done on our rental house so we could get it rented out. This was probably the first year since Neil has been old enough to hunt that he didn't go deer hunting!

Kynlie and I came home with mom and dad on Sunday. It was nice that Neil had came home the day before because he had our vehicle unloaded and everything unpacked and put away!

Last week, we didn't do anything special. We did have a speech pathologist come over to the house with DEAP as I have been concerned about Kynlie's speech. All her words start with "d" and are essentially the same word. I know what she is talking about sometimes, but I spend all day with her.  The pathologist said that 75% of her vocabulary should be understandable to people that don't know her and she should be using 2-3 word phrases. The only thing she says that is understandable to others are "Thank You and See ya," and they both start with "d" when she says them. The pathologist did say something that was very interesting, she said that kids with reflux and high gag reflexes usually always have speech problems because they try to protect their gag reflex when they talk- Kynlie has both of those, awefully!  The pathologist suggested that we WAY over exaggerate the words we are saying, almost to the point that we sound stupid to see if we can get Kynlie to repeat what we are saying. The problem with that is that she thinks she is saying what we are, she usually gets the syllables right and she'll sometimes get the vowell sound right, but she really thinks she is saying the same word we are. She did think that it would be good for Kynlie to go to speech therapy once a week, at least, so I am going to see if I can get her an appointment with the pediatrician Monday when we are in Dickinson for my appointment and see if we can get a recomendation for speech therapy in Dickinson, then we can just go when I have my weekly appointments.

We are trying to do our Christmas baking this weekend and I started when Kynlie went down for her nap, but we don't have any water right now so that is putting a damper on my baking! Instead, I am sitting on the couch with my feet up typing this post!! Baking can wait and if it doesn't get done, I won't eat it!

Next week is BUSY! Monday I have an appointment in Dickinson, Thursday my grandpa is having surgery in Billings and I am helping out a few more days at the store than normal! I decided that this time of year is perfect for the last few weeks of pregnancy because it's so busy that even if I do get miserable, I will be too busy to notice it!

We have the baby's room done, minus the crib, Kynlie is still in that!  It is sometimes still surreal that we are having another baby, soon. I am going to try and get some pictures of Kynlie's big girl room and the baby's room and get them on here, they are both adorable.

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