Thursday, September 9, 2010

11 Months

Today is Miss Kynlie's 11 month birthday- I can't believe she is almost a year old. I have some pictures on my camera, which is now officially drowned, from our boating trip in July. It won't turn on at all (insert tears here). These pictures are from last Thursday, but they are the most recent ones I have.

Kynlie was trying on her daddy's hat

Where'd I go?Whew, here I am!
I love Sterling- and his kisses!
Hey, where did you go?

Dad, where did Sterling go?
Here is a blurry cell phone video of Kynlie going crazy in her jumperoo, she LOVES that thing.

Kynlie has changed a lot this last month. She rolls constantly- in the bath tub, when I am changing her diaper, dressing her, holding her, she's really fun to dress now! She is going to be crawling before too long, she gets herself up on all fours when she is playing on the floor.
If she isn't rolling, she's jumping. In her jumperoo, on my lap, when I am holding her standing up, no matter where we are, she's trying to jump. She gets her legs and her arms going and her little face lights up, it's so adorable.
She wears mostly 3-6 month clothes, a lot of 0-3 month bottoms although the 3-6 month are starting to fit now. She has a couple 6-9 month outfits that fit her, we just have to try everything on, I have all 3 sizes in her closet and it's hit or miss what fits. She is very long and skinny. Since she hasn't had to go to the doctor for 2 months, she hasn't been measured or weighed. I weighed her on our scale and it said 15 lbs so she's somewhere around there. I am guessing she is 26-27" long. She is STILL in size 1 diapers and is STILL going to be in them for a long time because the tabs STILL overlap on the front! She has 3 pairs of shoes now, that if she has the right socks on, kind of stay on her feet. She has the longest skinniest feet.
She has 2 teeth on the bottom and 2 on top, and she loves to chew on everything. She has gotten really good at feeding herself snacks. I tried feeding her a stage 3 meal yesterday because Walmart in Sheridan and Miles City were both out of  Stage 2 meat meals. It was a lasagna in meat sauce and there were little chunks of noodles, I don't  know if she didn't chew them up or if it was that bad, but she ate a couple bites and puked it all up. Yummy! Other than the lasagna, she eats anything, fruits, veggies, meats, popcorn. She is not a picky eater at all, thank goodness. She is eating 3 meals a day and still nursing every 4-5 hours.
She still takes 2 or 3 naps a day and is getting a lot better about napping in her crib. Most night she sleeps through the night, gets up at 6 or 7 to eat, then will sleep to 8 or 8:30. She wakes me up in the morning with the sweetest words and smiles, it's the best way in the world to start out the day.
She is such a great baby, always happy, unless she's tired, but she's getting a lot better about not being crabby when she's tired. Just depends on the day! She is a little ham, talking, sassing and smiling, she loves kisses on her chubby cheeks, raspberries on her belly and cuddling with mommy.
I can't believe that her next milestone post will be her first birthday. Neil and I were watching videos last week of when she was in the NICU, over 6 weeks old and still under 2 pounds. It's hard to imagine that she was ever so small. She has come such a long way and we are so lucky that she is PERFECT.
The last year flew by, even when it was a long, long, looooong year. I am looking forward to planning a very special party for this little miracle, she worked hard to make it to where she is now and she deserves the best!
I Love You Kynlie Faith


  1. Such a sweet post Ashlee!
    I can't believe she'll be a year soon either. Look at where she is now-it's just incredible. I can't wait to see the birthday party you throw for this little punkin! Wish I could be there to see her eat up her cake :)
    I am SOO bummed for you about your camera. Ughhhhhh.

  2. LOVE your post, what a sweetie.
    Lacey Selle
