Sunday, June 27, 2010


We finally got some pictures of the 3 kids together where none of them are crying or trying to squirm their way out of the picture.

Ken and Gina's new house is BEAUTIFUL. We did pretty good getting their stuff unpacked. We lost our #1 babysitter, due to a family emergency my mom flew out on Wednesday to be with her family. There were a lot of times that someone was packing around 2 babies so someone else's hands were empty to get something done. Matthew thought it was like Christmas getting all his toys back again. The kids were great for so much activity and business. There wasn't a moment of quiet time in the house with 2 babies and a 2 year old though. Usually one of the babies would cry, make the other one cry, then they'd be fine, then one would cry again, it was a vicious cycle.
We had a blast, it was hard to leave, but they will be here in 2 weeks for a family reunion so we will get to see them again pretty soon.

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