Sunday, June 27, 2010

Kynlie and Lincoln

It was fun having Kynlie and Lincoln together again. It's really funny seeing them though because Lincoln is quite a bit bigger than Kynlie, but Kynlie's movements are definetly a lot older than Lincoln's. She thought his chubby fingers were better for sucking on and pulled them into her mouth!
Here, let me sock you in the head
They were kissing each other. They would both open their mouths wide to try and suck on the other ones face.
I love you cousin!

1 comment:

  1. adorable babies! So sweet :) I loved catching up on your blog.

    OK I just got your email and couldn't stay away from updates of Kynlie for any longer. She really has grown-and beautiful as always.
    As for our session, I'm just going to call you at the beginning of that week and we'll work out our day/time...I'm very flexible.

    Sounds like you have a very busy summer and lots going on- how fun to have Kynlie along for the ride. I can hardly wait to meet her!
