Thursday, January 26, 2012

2 years ago

If you asked most parents, they would tell you that the day their child was born was one of the best days of their life. Sadly for us, that was not the case. The day Kynlie was born was one of the scariest, saddest, stressful times of our life. We had lost her twin sister, she was very tiny and very sick and we were very unsure if she was going to live or not. Thank God she did and today, we have healthy, rotten two year old that likes to wear her swimming suit with her hat and mittens while singing!

They were all in the laundry basket to be put away and she dug then all out, and insisted she wear them. I am one of those "pick your battle" kind of moms and that was one I wasn't going to fight. If she wants to wear her swimsuit and hat and mittens, whatever! We didn't plan on going anywhere today anyways!

Two years ago, today, was one of the most exciting days of our life. It was the day we FINALLY, after 110 days  in the NICU in Bismarck, ND, got to bring our 5 lb 3 oz baby girl home! We almost didn't get discharged from the hospital that day as every road into Baker was closed that morning. Neil and I watched the road reports like hawks, waiting for some of the red lines to disappear so we could inform Dr. Ocejo that we  were going home that day! Thankfully, the roads got cleared off enough that they opened and we loaded our precious cargo up and headed for home!
One of Kynlie's nurses made her an adorable, delicious cake that said "Look out Montana, here comes Kynlie" We ate cake, took tons of pictures, gave lots of hugs and I got wheeled to the door with Kynlie on my lap!
She looked so tiny in her carseat- it is the same one Locklyn is in and she definetly fills it up a bit more! January 26, 2010 was one of the best days of our lives, one Neil or I will never forget!

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