Wednesday, July 14, 2010

9 months old

After our weekend at the reunion, Kynlie and I headed to Bismarck on Monday with my grandma and cousin for Kynlie's doctor and eye appointments.
Kynlie saw Dr. Ocejo on Monday afternoon. She weighs 12 lbs which is in the 25%, was 24" long which is in the 50% and I don't know what her head measurement was but it was under the 25%. He said that she is doing great, her left lung that she had all the problems with when she was in the NICU sounds just as good as the right one. He said I can start feeding her whatever she'll eat and giving her water in a sippy cup. I told him that I could only feed her rice every other day because it would plug her up and he said that my milk is more rich now and less quantity so she wasn't getting enough liquid and that water would take care of it. Starting today, I'll feed her a fruit and oatmeal for breakfast, a meat and veggie for lunch, then a veggie and rice for supper. Dr. Ocejo said that he thinks her birthmark is showing signs of going away too. He also said that she his definetly teething. He said she could munch on teething biscuits and to get her some teething toys to chew on. We don't have to go back to see Dr. Ocejo until October, when Kynlie is a year old.
After Kynlie's appointment we headed to Minot to see my cousin Seth who is still in the hospital. We visited with him and his family for a while then headed back to Bismarck.
Tuesday morning, Kynlie saw Dr. L for her eyes. He said that her eyes look great, there is no scar tissue where the lasering was done and no catarac or any other problems she could've developed. We don't have to go back to see him until November.
As far as what has been going on with Kynlie, she is constantly rolling over both ways and the instant we lay her down for bed, she rolls over to her stomach to sleep. She talks nonstop, has discovered her toes and loves them, is almost sitting on her own, if she would not move nonstop, she could hold herself up with her hands. She is wearing 0-3 and 3-6 month clothes. She needs the 3-6 month for length, but all the pants and shorts she wears have to be 0-3 month for her tiny waist. She is still in size 1 diapers and is a long way from growing out of them yet! She has the cutest nose wrinkling thing she does when she smiles and if she is making funny faces. She HATES her car seat, if she is in it when she's awake, she's crying, which made for a wonderful trip to Bismarck-Minot!! She also started sleeping in her room in her crib instead of in our room in the pack and play. The only thing I don't like about it is that she doesn't cry when she wakes up to eat so I have the monitor on so I can hear her, but the monitor ends up keeping me awake with all the funny noises it makes.

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