Thursday, January 24, 2013


Tuesday the girls and I headed to Dickinson for Locklyn's rescheduled 12 month doctor appointment. The doctor told me something I already knew, she's perfect!! She weighs 23 lb 6 oz and is 30" long. Her height, weight and head are all in the +75% on the growth charts.
She has 12 teeth, enough hair for a cute little pony tail, says mama, dada, hot, owie, puppy, shakes her head yes and no and uses sign language for "more and all done." She will be walking soon, she starts to take walking from wherever she's standing, then gets excited and falls down.
She's sleeping through the night again, finally, which cut out another time of her nursing. She's now down to nursing before bed and hopefully will be done with that soon!
The poor girl had to get 4 shots, that were pretty tramatic for her, but she got a sucker, then everything was all better. Then she had to get her finger pricked to check her iron levels, but she still had her sucker so she didn't even flinch or cause a fuss when they poked her and were squeezing her finger to get the blood.

Kynlie also had speech that day and Valerie is still amazed at how well her speech is doing. She even said that next week she doesn't have enough to work on for a full hour so we will cut her session down to 45 minutes. Then, we will be done! I can't believe that time has already come.

Since I am no longer working on Mondays so Kynlie's not getting her daycare time and we will not be going to Dickinson on Thursdays, we will have a lot more free time so I am hoping to get a few playdates scheduled and we will start going to story time at our library so she will get a little more kid interraction.

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