Yesterday we headed to Rapid City for Kynlie's eye surgery. She had a pre-op appointment late afternoon to re-measure her eyes and I had to get a shade checked for a crown I need made for my tooth. We ran to Target, Cabelas, ate supper then went to the hotel for Kynlie to have a pre-op treat of swimming. That girl LOVES the water, even though it was freezing.
We had to be at the clinic for surgery at 8 am this morning to straighten her eyes. They got us checked in, we got Kynlie dressed in her gown and the anesthesiologist gave her some drug that made her really loopy! She would just zone out with her mouth wide open like she had seen a ghost or something. It helped her relax so when they came and got her to go to the OR, the nurse picked her up and she laid her head on her shoulder and cuddled with her, it was pretty sweet!
Kynlie will use anything as a phone! |
Kynlie has gotten big on talking on the phone, she uses anything for a phone, her hand, TV remotes, stickers (which have hands free when you put the sticky side on your face), the mask for her anesthesia, books or her cheese roll up she ate for lunch. She puts it to her ear, says "Hi" then starts talking jibberish, she .uses her shoulder to hold the phone to her face and switches ears about every other word. It is pretty comical
Sleepy smiles |
Neil, Locklyn and I hung out in the waiting room for about an hour before the doctor came out and told us that surgery had went perfectly. Kynlie slept for about another hour and they came and got us before she was too awake. The care at Black Hills Regional Eye Institute was amazing. They were so great to all of us, the nurses all chatted when they walked by us in the waiting room, the anesthesiologist answered more questions than we could have thought to ask, Kynlie had the same nurse in with her from pre-op until she walked us to the Yukon after Kynlie was discharged so it was someone she was a little comfortable with. Everyone we talked to bragged Dr. N up and said they couldn't work for anyone else because he strives for excellency, and does everything possible to stay as up to date and state of the art as he can. It was an amazing experience to feel so taken care of, I had a lot of confidence that Kynlie was in great hands.
Trying on her new Nemo lifejacket |
Kynlie was pretty crabby when she woke up. She didn't like the pulse-ox on her toe, she didn't like the IV in her hand or the leads on her chest and belly for her heartrate. She drank a sip of juice, ate a cracker and cried and cried, and cried. We were there for about 4 hours total when they sent us home. Kynlie didn't want to put her hospital gown on before surgery and didn't want to take it off after. I put her in her carseat without a shirt on because she was so histerical about everything, she didn't want her shirt back on. We grabbed a bite to eat and hit the road. It was a long, loud trip, Kynlie never did fall asleep like we were sure she would and she cried a lot of the way home.
Her eyes don't look good, it's hard to tell if they are straight or not |
When we finally got home, she was pretty much back to her goofy self, but quite a bit more clumsy. The nurse said that she is probably going to have some double vision until her brain reprograms for the new allignment of her eyes. She said the bigger kids always tell them that they see double. When Kynlie went to grab the crackers from the nurse in recovery, her hand reached about 3" from where the nurse was holding the cracker. She walks along and trips over her feet, ran into the fridge and made me nervous going up and down the stairs.
Like father like daughter- zoned out at the TV |
Her eyes are so bloodshot that it is hard to tell if they are straight or not but I am confident that they are where they need to be. We have to try and keep her from rubbing her eyes too much and put drops in 3 times a day for 7 days. It should be interesting when I have to get them in her eyes by myself.
Dirty face and yucky looking eyes |
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