Our sweet baby is already 3 months old today, I can't believe it! She has been pretty much sleeping through the night, if she is swaddled up tight. She's nursing every 2-3 hours during the day, pooping out of size 2 diapers daily (Kynlie wore size 2 last fall!!) She is filling out her 3-6 month wardrobe and wearing size 2 shoes. She LOVES her big sister and smiles at her a lot, but she is not too fond of the pacifier being shoved in her mouth constantly, Kynlie bouncing with her hand on the pacifier in Locklyn's mouth because Kynlie is so proud that she got it in, then big sis taking it out so she can try again. It may be a form of child abuse that I even leave Locklyn lay anywhere because sleeping or awake, happy or sad, Kynlie thinks that Locklyn needs a paci- I am thinking of cutting Locklyn off completely from them so she will no longer have to endure the abuse!! She likes to suck on her lip anyways, which also makes for drool soaked shirts!
I am sure she would love to be a good napper but it is hard to sleep when someone is constantly bumping/burping you or shoving things in your mouth.
Silly sleepy girl |
She is the sweetest, cuddliest baby. She travels great, thank God, as we are on the road a lot for Kynlie's speech appointments and other appointments. She smiles and talks a lot and she's got the sweetest smile ever. She is just figuring out she has hands so its pretty funny to watch her stare at them. She likes her play mat and her toy bar on the car seat. She still has crazy reddish hair that stands straight up on top of her head.
The perfect addition to our family! |
Kynlie's eyes are looking better today. They are still bloodshot but they are not solid red on the inside corners. Besides the red eyes, you couldn't tell by how she acted today that she'd had anything done. It was interesting trying to get her to let me put her eye drops in this morning though, I finally got her to let me do it when I told her that I'd put them in her eyes, then she could put them in mine. I got them in hers then laid on the floor and took my glasses off for her to pretend they were going in my eyes, she thought it was pretty funny. Tonight she got to put them in mine, Locklyn, Neil and Sterlings, she was giggling like she had just won the lottery!
We are so happy that Kynlie can still "smile pretty" |
She rubs her eyes a little which they said is okay but it makes me nervous so I try to sidetrack her when she starts doing it.
You smile pretty daddy! |
We are going to go to speech tomorrow, she is acting like she is feeling great and we are already going to miss 2 weeks in April so I think it's important she goes. She is doing so great with her speech, repeating more words daily and saying them accurately.
I know all my pictures look like she's got a dirty face, but the only time I can get her to sit still is at the table when she is eating so she does have a dirty face, I try to keep my kids cleaned up, I promise!! |
Close up of her eyes, it is hard to see how straight they are with all the blood, but they look lots better. |
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