Thursday, June 23, 2011


I know, I know, I am still terribly slacking with blogging, I don't know what's gotten into me! This time- it's because we have been SO busy! The first weekend of June, we took off Thursday afternoon for a Dr. appointment in Dickinson, my mom met us in Bowman, ND to pick Kynlie up and Neil and I were headed south. He had found a deal on a camper in Denver and we were on our way to pick it up. We decided it would be best to not take Kynlie on another two day drive to Denver and back. We got the camper and headed back north. Friday, we got to Dayton, WY to my brother's house. They barbecued on Saturday as a celebration for Jordan getting a teaching job in Sheridan. Mom and dad brought Kynlie to Dayton on Saturday and Sunday we were headed home again.
Working at Lawler's!! Or just getting into stuff!
The next Thursday, we all were headed to Bozeman, MT. Neil's dad was flying in to Billings the same evening so we met him and Neil's mom and sister at Red Lobster for supper. It was great to see Lee as he left again before Kynlie and I got home from Bozeman. After we ate, we went to Bozeman. Friday we went to the museum, then that evening my nephew Matthew had a t-ball game. There is nothing cuter than 16 3-4 year olds batting and all running after the ball. It was pretty entertaining watching them. Neil went home Saturday afternoon to get some work done on his derby car and Kynlie and I stayed for the week. Gina's husband is in WA for work for a few weeks so she and I drove home the next weekend.

While we were in Bozeman we took the kids swimming at Bozeman Hot Springs, which Kynlie LOVED! It was so much fun. We did a little shopping, eating out and just hanging out. On Tuesday, Gina's high school friend and her 3 daughters came from Baker and stayed the rest of the week so it was a crazy, loud, full house!

My little escapee headed down the patio stairs.

Saturday, June 18, we drove home, then went out to my aunt's 100th anniversary ranch party. They had a great turnout, served a great meal and had a band play. Kynlie was so whiny the whole time we were out there we decided we would take her home and put her to bed. She fell asleep on the way home so we decided we would go to some friend's house to hang out by their fire pit. Kynlie woke up when we got there but was in a much better mood. We found the culprit of her whining when she pooped out a huge rock hard turd. She just had a horrible belly ache!

Sunday was Father's day. We went down and ate breakfast with Neil's sister at PC's Cafe, helped her unload some stuff for her store, then Neil had to go move cars at the Bump and Run. He got home about 5 and we had my parents and sister in for a barbecue.

Out the doggie door, down the patio stairs to play outside. She's self sufficient!

Yesterday was FINALLY nice enough to be outside all day. I had our two of our four nieces for the day and Gina and the boys were in. They played all day on the swingset, with the water table, we set Kynlie's swimming pool up in the yard and they swam. We all got a little vitamin D, which felt great!

These pictures are actually a few weeks old but I have still been terrible about taking pictures and the pictures we have taken are on my sister's camera! Oops

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