Friday, January 29, 2010

The cow has gone dry

We put a call in to Dr. Ocejo today as Kynlie has been puking a lot lately. It seems like she has been projectile vomiting after about half of her feeds. He said go take her off her iron, which she pukes up every time. To not put her Caffeine and Vitamin E in the same bottle anymore and to mix the Vitamin E in a whole bottle instead of in 15 ml. He said to also only give her 50-55 ml feeds instead of the 60 she had been getting. She also has to be held very still for at least an hour after she eats or laid in a semi-sitting position. I feel bad because if you want to do anything after you feed her, you have to put her in the swing right away after she is burped, but not swinging because that will make her puke too. I would love to cuddle her all day, but after not being home for 2 days short of 4 months, there is a lot I want to get done around the house. She hasn't been wanting to eat very much at night either, which sucks because I have to wake up to try feeding her every 3 hours because her stomach is not big enough for her to make up the amount she would miss if we went 4 hours.

I also have quit producing milk. It's very frustrating because the 4 months she was in the hospital, I made enough to feed a small army, now that she's home and I can nurse her, I don't even make enough for one feed. I got some herbal tea that is supposed to help increase my supply so we'll see if it works. Until then, we are just using what we have frozen and she is getting bottled all feeds and I am pumping every 3 hours to see if it will make a difference. This means that Neil is going to wake up and bottle her while I pump for the night feeds. I am not upset about not being able to breastfeed her, because we know how much she is getting when she is bottling, but I am upset that it has gone from one extreme to the other. I think it's from the stress of bringing her home, lack of sleep and not pumping enough to keep my supply up until she is eating more.

Sterling is not sure what to think of this whole situation. He's been pretty unsocial since we brought Kynlie home. To make matters worse, he desperately needed a hair cut so he got one today, which he hates, and when I picked him up, the groomer said he has an ear infection. So, off to the vet we go, Sterling's other favorite place!! The vet wasn't in but we got some salve to put in his ear and we have to go back on Monday for the vet to look at it. He's feeling pretty abused and neglected.


  1. Soo sorry that Kynlie is vomiting like that! Karlee did that and we used Zyantac for a while and then switched to prevacid and by 1 year she had out grown it!! I had a hard time with my supply as well and actually had some good luck with taking an herbal pill called Fenugreek and also my OB doc gave me a prescription for Reglan cause the Lactation consult here said that it works good for stimulating milk production! One of the side effects of it is that it promotes lactaion!! It worked really good for me and after a couple of days of taking both, I had that feeling of the milk coming in again for the first time!! Just some food for thought if you want to try it!! The pumping frequently works good as well and also pump after feeding Kynlie!! Trying to keep a good supply with a preemie is hard but even if you are done producing, just remember that you have given her this many months of it!!

    Sorry to hear that Sterling has an ear infection...hopefully he feels better soon to!!

  2. Kynlie looks great! I'm sure that it's great to finally be home, but I'm also sure that you are all making MANY adjustments. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers as you keep moving steadily forward. Best wishes!
    ~ Jana Schweigert
