Monday, September 17, 2012


Things have been crazy around here lately.
 I started working a day a week at my sis-in-law's coffee and gift shoppe. Kynlie goes to a small in-home daycare with a couple kids that are close to her age, Locklyn goes to work with me:)
Our recreation department has some amazing exercise classes that I have started attending and am loving. My grandma comes to the house a couple mornings a week to stay with the girls and I have an awesomely sweet high schooler lined up to come over a couple evenings a week to stay with the girls until Neil can get home from work.
We have had a couple playdates and are hoping for a few more. They are SO great for Kynlie's speech, just her hearing other kids talking does wonders for her.
Kynlie started going to the recreation department's Exploring Sports class last Friday. They played football type games, with a little game of flag football at the end of the class. Kynlie stood there and watched all the other kids stretching and wasn't quite sure what to do. I am hoping she will come out of her shell a little at the classes and join in with the rest of the kids without mom having to tell her exactly what to do!
We are still going to Dickinson for speech therapy once a week. It is still working wonders, we are really just trying to get Kynlie to say her words more accurately now. Kynlie's favorite phrase now is "I Kinney, YaYa (Locklyn) just a little baby" She is pretty much speaking in sentences now and is spouting out quite a few new words and phrases daily.
She is breaking my heart with how big and independent she is getting. She's pretty self sufficient anymore. Potty training is going pretty good. She still won't tell us every time she has to go but she's getting better. She is sleeping in her big girl bed exclusively so that was another big fight we finally won.
Locklyn is absolutely the sweetest and happiest baby ever. If she's crying it's because Kynlie took something away from her or something is really wrong with her! She is crawling all over the place, up stairs, pulling herself up on smaller objects. She is obsessed with dog food, paper, phones and my cell phone. She will play and keep herself entertained for quite long periods of time, which is SO nice. She loves her sister and puppy and they always bring a smile to her face. 
Neil is still busy as ever. Last weekend was spent putting new siding on our rental house. He can't sit still. There is still a weekend or two of work left. He is in HEAVEN because football season has started ( I HATE FOOTBALL!) I can pretty much guarantee he will be home Monday nights though! He is excited for the hunting seasons to open and has a hunting trip or two planned for this fall. The girls and I are flying to Kansas to see my sister and her family when Neil goes elk hunting so we are looking forward to that. I'm a little anxious about flying by myself with both the girls but we will make it!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you've got a busy fall lined up. I had to laugh about the football comment. Yeah, I'm a football widow too :) and John looooves it - league, NFL, flag -you name it.
    I just cannot believe how much the girls have changed and grown. Kynlie with her speech and potty training -- it's unreal.
    And Locklyn is crawling all over the house already? I wished that we'd have been able to see them this summer. They are both dolls.
    Loved catching up on all the happenings --forgot that you and my bro were in the same class. He was back for his Glendive class reunion as well. Time flies, that's for sure...and then having babies makes it a real blur :)
