Thursday, January 28, 2010

Finally home

January 26, 2010, the wonderful day that we finally got to bring our beautiful baby girl home. She had an outfit made especially for this big day by Kristin Merwin, thanks so much Kristin, it's beautiful. As you can see by the picture, she really could've cared less, but it was very special for Neil and I.

She had a cake made especially for her by one of her wonderful nurses. It even matched her going home outfit.

We loaded her up in her car seat, as you can see, she could still care less about anything.

We got our family picture taken before we headed out the door. There were lots of hugs, one of her nurses even came on her day off to say bye to Kynlie. They all got pretty attached after almost 4 months.

She has adjusted very well to being home. Neil has a cough so he's been wearing a mask. Sterling is not quite sure what to think of her, he definetly doesn't like her monitor's alarm. He did decide to crawl up on Neil's lap and cuddle with him and Kynlie.

She has been a great baby to have around. She rarely cries unless she is hungry, she loves to cuddle, she grunts, a lot, she's been eating great, except at 3am. She has been very good at making sure that all of her blankets and outfits are getting used by either puking or pooping all over everything. Her alarm rarely goes off which is a relief.
Today is her actual due date. It's hard to imagine her not being here until now, although the last 4 months would've been a lot less stressful.

1 comment:

  1. It was my pleasure to make Kynlie's outfit for going home, really. It's wonderful to actually see it on her- when I was sewing it I kept taking it and laying it on my cutting grid, trying to imagine a 5 pound Kynlie =) I Loved the going home pictures, she is so adorable and what an exciting day for your family.
    And your 3 AM sounds like mine- so, you're not alone...I'm doing the very same thing with my lil stinker-except at 9 months shouldn't we be done with the all nighters? Brayden loves to keep me on my toes. I blame it on teething, it couldn't be that he's spoiled =)
