The pictures in this post are in no way, shape or form in order, but they are pictures and they are what we have been up to!
On July 9, my dad and I went to Billings and picked up my sister's boys to come to Baker to stay the week while their parents were getting everything taken care of for their move to Kansas. We went to the zoo, ate lunch then headed back for home. The boys stayed the night at my mom and dad's and came to our house during the day. Kynlie had a blast with them and I think they really helped her speech improve.
Kynlie and Trypp dancing at Heisers |
The next week we just hung out with the Phillips' and at Grandma and Poppy's. Neil and I did some wiring on our new shop, the kids played in the dirt, rode horses, 4 wheeler, fed the chickens and checked for eggs (they did lay two cold eggs one day for Matthew but he wasn't too excited about it!) One day we drove out to my grandpa's farm to check it out, we went for supper at Heiser's and sat on the patio and listened to the music.
Lincoln, Matthew, Kynlie and Riley on the dirt pile |
Last weekend we took two campers down to Rapid City and my brother and Ashley came over and stayed the weekend with us. We went to Reptile Gardens, rode 1880 Train, took old time photos, rode the Alpine Slide and toured around Keystone and Hill City. Ken and Gina left for their new home in Kansas from there. On the way home, the girls and Neil and I stopped in Spearfish at their awesome waterpark and played for a few hours.
Old time family photo |
Yesterday, I took 3 of our nieces to Dickinson for Kynlie's speech appointment. After speech we went to the waterpark for a few hours, then to the park, then to the pet store, then Neil's cousin's band was playing for Alive at 5 so we went and listened to him play. They have an amazing band and play everything from Britney Spears to Johnny Cash! The girls all got their faces painted, had shirley temples and dance the evening away.
Grandpa great, Kynlie, Lincoln and Matthew |
Tonight is Fallon County's Relay for Life. Neil's mom is a huge part of the relay and this is the first year since it started that we will be able to partake in the activities. I am SO excited to finally be able to experience the relay. Last year, Fallon county raised almost $100,000 for the American Cancer Society so I am anxious to see what we will do this year.
Lincoln, Kynlie, Grandpa Great, me and Matthew on his farm |
Tomorrow, the girls and I are headed back to Rapid City for a great friend's wedding. I met Jen when Kynlie was in the NICU. Her kids were born a week after Kynlie and Kirsten. Joe and Ella were in the NICU with Kynlie her whole stay. I am super excited for Jen and Raymond on their big day tomorrow.
Kynlie and Matthew riding horse |
We are still going to Dickinson every week for Kynlie's speech. She is doing amazing and coming up with new words daily. Today she told me she was having soup and beans for lunch. Then told me she wanted her t-shirt back on after lunch. Soup, beans and t-shirt were all new words for her within 5 minutes. We are working on trying to get her to put the end consonant sound on words and she has finally mastered the "n" sound at the end. We are really working on "p, t and b" at the end and she is really struggling with getting them on.
Kynlie and Poppy on poppy's horse |
Locklyn started saying mama yesterday! I know it is just her babbling but it melts my heart! Kynlie struggled so bad with saying anything that started with "m" that she was long past 2 when she started saying mama (now she doesn't ever stop saying it). Locklyn gets up on all fours and will soon take off crawling. She is banned from laying on our bed as she has rolled off twice now. She is eating 3 baby food meals a day and still is a great nurser. She's got 3 teeth through and is working on at least 3 more. At her last checkup she weighed 18 lb 12 oz and was 28" long. She is in the 90th percentiles for length and weight. She wears a lot of 12 month clothes and some 6-9 still. She still sleeps through the night most nights, sometimes waking up once to nurse. She will be 7 months old tomorrow and it breaks my heart that she is now closer to a year old than a newborn.
Ready to go swimming |
Kynlie and Aunt Gina at the zoo |
Kynlie and Uncle Ken at the zoo |
Kynlie and Trypp "did you do it?" |
Too cute to be guilty |
She makes butt crack look cute! |
Me with the kids at the zoo |
Ready to Relay tonight! |
Our new shop on our new land where we will someday have a new house! |
Ready fo the Alpine Slide |
At Reptile Gardens |
Eating at the Prairie Berry Winery |
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